

Our mechanical team is called upon to intervene in and solve specific engineering problems, using multidisciplinary knowledge and expertise taken from the fields of mechanical engineering (mechatronics, thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, etc.) and physics engineering (vibrations, acoustics, optics-photonics, etc.).




Our computer-aided engineering laboratory brings together specialised expertise in the domains of design and modeling, digital simulation and 3D simulation. Software solutions such as MATLAB® and LabVIEW, together with cutting-edge technology such as acoustical intensity mapping, high performance thermographic imaging and high-speed imaging capture, can be integrated into advanced design processes.




To this day, our mechanical team has completed a large number of projects in complex and specialty manufacturing processes, such as high output production units, continuous inspection systems, and high flexibility robot cells.





The result of a two-year intensive and enjoyable collaboration between Tôle Inox and Novika, this new evaporator now sets the most recent standards in terms of energy-efficient maple syrup production. The energy required to produce the syrup is reduced by more than ten times compared to a standard gas or pellet evaporator. Approximately 70 EcoVap (mc) were used in production during the 2016 maple syrup season, thus avoiding the GHG emissions of almost I million litres of gas.


Client :  Tôle Inox  //  Project manager :  Jocelyn Caux


The St Donat Bakery wanted to increase its production capacity without losing the quality of its products, renowned for the flakiness and lightness of its pastry. Prototypes were developed in order to validate the equipment concepts, thus allowing Novika to develop a production line, which rolls the pastry and assembles the pies whilst maintaining the quality of the product.


Client :  St-Donat Bakery  //  Project manager :  Jean Bergeron
For several years, Novika has been working with NWMO to develop processes used for burial, which must be safe for a million years. The main concept developed by NWMO is to store irradiated materials in sealed steel containers, which are then stored in underground tunnels.
For more details on the prototype developed by Novika :




Client : Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Canada (NWMO)  //  Project manager :  Dominic Lanteigne


In the initial stages of this unique project, Novika assisted the microbrewery Tête d’Allumette in the creation of a wood fire boiling tank specifically designed and built for the microbrewery. This tank allows the use of maple wood as the only energy source for boiling the beer wort. Several other pieces of peripheral equipment adapted to the brewing method of the Master Brewer were also developed according to the needs of the client.


Client :  Microbrasserie Tête d’Allumette  //  Project manager :  Sylvain Dufour


This project focused on the development of a stain applicator ensuring a constant stain flow, a reduction of drips and overflowing and a reduction in the time needed for start-ups after colour or sizing changes. A safe working environment for operators was also taken into consideration. In addition, the amount of stain lost when changing colour was significantly reduced. Settings automation also ensures the uniformity of stain application between each work shift.


Client :  Maibec  //  Project manager :  Patrick Martel


This major project allowed the development of “an error free” assembly machine fed in bulk with precision components. With a production speed of over 1200 units per hour, in other words a cycle time of less than three seconds, this machine maintains the sufficient flexibility required to assemble more than ten different versions of a product. There is no room for error whether it be in the assembly process or in the parts used.


Client :  Confidentiel  //  Project manager :  Patrick Martel


The purpose of this project is to develop tools for a welding robot that are light, strong and very rigid in order to withstand welding distortions and handling during tooling changes. The tools need to allow the operator to position the parts easily and quickly before welding and to remove the welded subassemblies. The tools must be designed to maximise tooling space by combining several identical subassemblies or several different subassemblies of the same product.


Client :  Compagnie Normand  //  Project manager :  Dominic Lanteigne


Developed in close collaboration with the client, the logic behind this system is to maximise the reuse of cooling water in spot welders. The new circuit is cooled down mainly by fresh water consumed in the factory by other production processes. Based on the Novika project principle of «24 hours or less», the client was then able to manage the purchase and installation of the parts in their own business. Almost 25,000 m³ of drinking water can be saved yearly following the implementation of the project.


Client :  Rousseau  //  Project manager :  Jocelyn Caux


This project stems from a collaboration with the Quebec-based stove builder SBI Inc. It consists of the development of a direct current voltage pellet stove prototype fitted with an optimized heat exchanger, an automatic combustion management system, improved acoustics and a wireless communication capacity. The College and Community Innovation program/ARD grants of the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada support this applied research project.


Client :  Fabricant de poêles international (SBI)  //  Project manager :  Sylvain Dufour


By using a new, simple and low-cost manufacturing process, this solar collector offers a performance comparable to those already on the market, without the need for selective paintwork. In addition to its low absorber manufacturing cost, its main advantage lies in its negligible resistance to water circulation, thus allowing for the use of a low power circulator as well as the series connection of several collectors when a higher outlet temperature is required.


Client :  Solar-O-Matic  //  Project manager :  Jocelyn Caux


P Patenaude
Pierre Patenaude
Director - Mechanics and Automation
Expertises : mechanical design and automated equipments
 (418) 856-4350, ext. 135
Jean Bergeron
Jean Bergeron, P.Eng. M. Sc.
Project Manager
Expertises : automated systems
 (418) 856-4350, ext. 107
Dominic Lanteigne
Dominic Lanteigne, P.Eng.
Project Manager
Expertises : mechanical systems, FEA
 (418) 856-4350, poste 121
Patrick Martel
Patrick Martel, P. Eng.
Project manager
Expertises : Welding, tempering, micro texturing, equipment
 (418) 856-4350, ext. 139
Hugues Barrette
Hugues Barrette
Mechanical Technologist
Expertises : mechanical design,prototyping
Joel Basque
Joel Basque, P.Eng.
Mechanical Engineer
Expertises : FEA, mechanical systems, energy
Michel Dion
Michel Dion, P.Eng.
Electrical Engineer
Expertises : control and automation
P Garneau
Pedro Garneau, CEP
Mechanical Designer
Expertises : industrial packaging systems and mechanical design
Joël LeBlanc-Lavoie, CEP
Mechanical Designer
Expertises : material science, vacuum technology and physical vapor deposition (PVD)
K Pelletier
Kim Lefebvre, CEP
Mechanical Designer
Expertises : Mechanical design and health technologies (biomedical)
Mario Legault
Mario Legault
Senior Mechanical Technologist
Expertises : automation/robotics, electromechanical systems, equipment
Richard Marquis
Richard Marquis
Mechanical Technologist
Expertises : mechanical design, digital production
Cédric Mercier
Cédric Mercier
Mechanical Technologist
Expertises : mechanical design and manufacturing
Thomas Paris, P.Eng.
Mechanical Engineer
Expertises : mechanical design, prototyping and manufacturing
Jean-Francois Pelletier
Jean-François Pelletier
Electrical Technician
Expertises : control and automation
Jeff Pelletier
Jean-François Pelletier, P.Eng.
Electrical Engineer
Expertises : electronic design, machine safety
Simon Pelletier
Simon Pelletier
Machine Operator / workshop supervisor
Expertises : prototyping, machining, welding
Patrice Tanguay
Patrice Tanguay
Expertises : industrial IT, scripts and macros


Prototyping workshop
Novika has machining and material working equipment that allows for prototyping and validation of solutions all under the same roof.

Prototyping workshop
Novika has machining and material working equipment that allows for prototyping and validation of solutions all under the same roof.