In order to facilitate the introduction of efficient laser processing into companies, Novika offers a wide range of unique services in the field of industrial processes using high-powered lasers :

 - Transfer of technology information;

 - Prototype realisation;

 - Assessment of the relevance of the technology within a business;

 - Development and adaptation of technology;

 - Implementation support: equipment selection, product optimization for the technology, start-up, training, technical support, safety and maintenance.



In its most used form, laser welding allows for materials, whether similar or not, to be joined together without the use of filler material. The energy transmitted by the laser beam fuses pieces held together by a tool. The high concentration of energy on a small surface allows for deep, shallow joints at speeds up to several tens of meters per minute, and this without almost any distortion.
Combining the performance of robotized laser welding with the flexibility of manual welding, manual laser welding increases throughput by a factor of ten compared with reference processes, while reducing distortion. Used under safe conditions, this process can prove to be an ally of choice.
By combining a high-power laser beam to the electric arc produced by a GMAW welding torch, thick metals can be welded in one pass, without joint preparation and with minor distortion. Novika’s adaptive platform automatically readjusts the welding parameters in order to maintain the quality of joints in the presence of gaps. The two-robot hybrid welding technology allows for welding on complex or curved joints whilst minimizing necessary programming.
With the help of a welding or cutting laser or a dedicated laser equipment, it is possible to harden metallic products as precisely as needed. No masking, cooling fluid or special tools required; this is a simple and fast hardening process.
Laser cladding uses laser beam energy to fuse a filler material (be it powder or wire) onto a metal surface, in order to repair damage to used parts, as well as to improve surface properties of new parts. The result is a strong dense metallurgical bond between base material and coating, with quality and dimensions precisely controlled and minimum dilution.


Surface micro-texturing by laser ablation can be used to create patterns that improve the functional properties of industrial materials. For example, the creation of micron-sized cavities can drastically reduce the coefficient of friction and wear of parts, or increase it locally to improve adhesion or to control fluid flow. It can also drastically modify the optical characteristics (absorptivity, reflectivity), or the hydrophobic / hydrophilic character. Larger textures can also be created for aesthetic purposes. For example, a texture created by laser on the surface of a mold will allow the repetition of this texture on the surface of all parts molded using this tool.
The laser beam evaporates or breaks down the superficial layer needed to be removed, without the use of any chemicals. The process is very clean and precise and allows for the removal of paint, oil, rust, soot or other process residues without damaging the surface needing to be cleaned. In most cases, masking is not required.


At the microscopic level, a rough surface is made of peaks and valleys. Scanning this surface with a laser beam produces a thin molten surface layer, which can be smoothed by redistributing the material from the peaks to the valleys. This non-contact process is approximately 30 times faster than manual polishing and can be applied to areas of very precise geometry. Depending on the technology used, laser polishing can achieve finishes of the order of 0.2 µm.



This exploratory study focused on the interactions between high power lasers and different materials (metals, plastic, composite materials). Funded by Defense Research and Development Canada, the measurement and analysis campaign was carried out by Novika's applied physics team. The phenomena involved have been investigated from several angles: spectroscopy (UV, VIS, IR), high-speed camera, thermal camera, pyrometer, photodetector. Tests were also carried out on laser safety protection.


Client : DRDC   //  Project manager : Guillaume Caron


Developing complex component welding parameters for primary and secondary electrochemical generators requiring a perfect seal for the energy storage industry. Novika has tested multiple welding techniques and came up with a stable process that ensures predictable high quality results.


Client : Blue Solutions  //  Project manager : Lorraine Blais


Hybrid laser/GMAW welding is used to seal the next generation of nuclear waste containers in Canada. By making a 10mm deep weld in one pass, the tightness of the container and the resistance of the joint are guaranteed. This entirely automated process is perfectly suited for use in a radioactive environment.


Client :  Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Canada (NWMO)  //  Project manager :  Patrick Martel


This project allowed the development of a laser welding process for contrasting inserts on the surface of steel doors. The doors, made from galvanised steel or stainless steel, could not show any welding distortion on the visible side. Integration support for the factory was also offered. The Novika team collaborated with the robot systems integrator employed by the client in order to select equipment, provide support and start-up help and train staff. In addition, Novika provided production and maintenance support.


Client :  De la Fontaine  //  Project manager :  Lorraine Blais


Development of a laser clad using cold wire. The material used here is a bronze wire, fused onto circular steel parts. The bronze is used for its gliding and wear protection properties.


Client :  LG Cloutier  //  Project manager :  Lorraine Blais


The Heat Commander™ is the new wood furnace from Drolet™. Among the most efficient furnaces on the market in terms of energy distribution, the Heat Commander is a central heating system that is both cutting edge and accessible thanks to its innovative design and ease of use. EPA2020 certified (less than 2.5 g/h), the Heat Commander's overall thermal output is far superior to most comparable systems. A direct result of research conducted by SBI and Novika Solutions, the Heat Commander is the very first wood furnace with two-stage electronic combustion control. The algorithm, developed by the research team, manages the air supply. The flame adjustment system is synchronized with the thermostat and ensures safe heating, increased comfort and reduced particulate emissions.


Client :  SBI  //  Project manager : Guillaume Caron


Development of different laser welding techniques to assemble the different components of stainless steel rail vehicles. The primary objectives of this project were the aesthetics, productivity and costs, as well as the development of an adaptive laser/GMAW welding technology for thick structural steel. Reducing production costs whilst maintaining fatigue resistance and keeping distortions to a minimum were of primary concern. Novika also assisted the company with the transfer of technology and the training of its employees.


Client :  Bombardier Transport  //  Project manager :  Lorraine Blais


Development of laser surface processes and transfer within companies in the areas of cladding, tempering, rust removal, marking and micro-texturing.


Client :  Moules Industriels, Verbom, Ressorts Liberté, Aikawa Fiber Technology, Groupe Fordia, LaserAx, Mailhot Industries  //  Project managers :  Lorraine Blais & Patrick Martel


Novika provided both remote and onsite technical support for the use of a laser welding system and for the development of new applications for the system. In addition, Novika provided interventions regarding the follow-up and maintenance of the equipment as well as the training of employees.


Client :  Bombardier Transport  //  Project manager :  Patrick Martel
The aim of this project is to develop a predictive system capable of determining machining depth, roughness and time based on laser characteristics and operating parameters. The result is an optimized, result-oriented machining time.


 Laser Micromachining Parameter Prediction Using AI (FR)


Clients : Various //  Project manager : Christophe Arnaud


Guillaume Caron
Guillaume Caron, P.Eng.
Director - Applied Physics, Electromechanical Engineer
Expertises : electronics, LabVIEW™, embedded computing, acoustics, physics
(418) 856-4350, ext. 164
Christophe Arnaud
Christophe Arnaud
Project Manager
Expertises : Micro-machining, polishing, welding, equipment programming and integration
(418) 856-4350, ext. 127
MA Provencher
Marc-André Provencher, P.Eng.
Projects Manager, Electrical Engineer
Expertises : electronic design, hardware programming, telecommunication, signal processing and acoustic
(418) 856-4350, ext. 133
Adrien Amyotte, P.Eng.
Expertises : acoustic, physic and mechanical design
Leo Charest
Léo Charest, P.Eng, D.E.S.S.
Mechanical Engineer
Expertises : mechanical design, combustion, fluid dynamics
Daniel Chenard
Daniel Chénard
Specialist, Laser Processing
Expertises : Welding, micro texturing, cutting, equipments
Martin Dionne
Engineering Physics Designer
Expertises : plasma physics, modeling, nanomaterials and electrochemical treatment of surfaces
A DSmith
Alexandre Duguay-Smith
Mechanical Technologist
Expertises : mechanical design and physical technology
Léandre Joncas, P.Eng
Mechanical Engineer
Expertises : mechanical design, acoustic, data modeling and analysis, testing and validation of physical systems
Guillaume Lafoy
Specialist, Laser Processing
Expertises : micro-machining, drilling and cutting of transparent materials, Laser Shock Peening
S Mondor
Sara Mondor, CEP
Engineering Physics Designer
Expertises : optical systems, lasers and physics
Adam Roy
Adam Roy
Physics Technologist
Expertises : mechanical design, optical systems, prototyping


Novika's laser lab is constantly evolving to offer you the technologies that are best adapted to your needs.


  Presentation of our laser sources (FR)


Laser sources

Continuous emission (can be modulated in long pulses) :

  • 15 kW CW fiber laser (1 070 nm)
  • 2 kW CW fiber laser (1 070 nm)

Short pulses :

  • 100W 600 µs CO2 laser (10 600 nm)
  • 100W 100 ns fiber laser (1 070 nm)

Ultra-short pulses :

  • 25 W 9 ps YAG laser (1 064 nm)
  • 20 W 350 fs fiber laser (1 030 nm)
  • 10 W 350 fs fiber laser (515 nm)


Laser heads

  • Laser welding, transmissive and reflective optics
  • Hybrid laser/GMAW welding
  • Scanner
  • Laser cladding with powder, cold wire and hot wire
  • Laser cutting



  • 6-axis robots up to 165 kg
  • 1 and 2 axis servo positioners
  • Precision linear and rotary axes (0,5µm resolution, 1µm repeatability)
  • Joint tracking systems with adaptive platform
  • Positioning cameras


Diagnostic and measurements equipment

  • Power meter
  • Beam monitor
  • High speed cameras
  • Spectrometer
  • Pyrometer
  • Thermal camera
  • Microscopes
  • Data acquisition systems
